997 resultados para Conference interpreting


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This exploratory case study examines the role of culture in Chinese-English conference interpreting. Given that there has been a lack of empirical research in understanding the role of culture in conference interpreting through the lens of intercultural communication frameworks, we know relatively little about conference interpreters’ experiences with intercultural communication challenges. This project helps address this research gap by investigating the types of intercultural communication challenges that Chinese-English conference interpreters experience and their strategies in managing those challenges. This study hears the voices of both professionals and postgraduate interpreting students. A total number of 27 participants were recruited for this research. Twenty professional conference interpreter were interviewed and seven interpreting students were organized for a focus group discussion. Grounded theory was used to analyze the participants’ observations and strategies in managing intercultural communication challenges when doing Chinese-English conference interpreting. The data analysis process led to the emergence of two procedural guidelines and one process – Interpreters’ Intercultural Mediation Process. The two procedural guidelines offer guidance for the interpreters to provide the most appropriate and effective service: meet with the clients beforehand and be prepared to offer intercultural insights when consulted. Interpreters are found to follow the Interpreters’ Intercultural Mediation Process to decide when and how to mediate intercultural communication challenges at work. This Process includes four criteria, seven intercultural challenges, and seven coping strategies. This study offers theoretical and applied contributions to our understanding of the role of culture in interpreting. By jointly applying frameworks from intercultural communication and interpreting studies to examine the conference interpreting process, this case study makes great efforts to connect the field of intercultural communication with the field of interpreting studies. This study identifies the types of intercultural differences that would lead to challenges in Chinese-English conference interpreting. It also contributes to the call for a cultural turn in interpreting studies. By learning the two procedural guidelines, conference interpreters can be better prepared for their work. By following the Interpreters’ Intercultural Mediation Process, conference interpreters can better anticipate and manage the intercultural challenges at work. This study also offers guidance on tailoring intercultural communication courses for postgraduate interpreting training programs.


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It is widely acknowledged that interpreters need to have knowledge of the cultures represented by the languages they work with (e.g. Roy 2002, Angelelli 2004, Wadensjŏ 2008). However, it is not clear what interpreters are expected to do with this knowledge. Some scholars recommend that interpreters be cultural mediators (e.g. Katan 2004 & 2014). As an attempt to examine existing guidelines on interpreters’ roles in the face of cultures/cultural issues, the research reported in this paper compares and contrasts the codes of conduct for interpreters from a number of associations and institutions in the UK, the US and China. The research has collected three different sets of data and has sought to investigate (1) in what ways interpreters are expected to do with their knowledge of cultures; (2) to what extent interpreters’ role as cultural mediators is referred to or defined in these codes of conduct; and (3) whether or not relevant guidelines are practically helpful for interpreters to deal with the range of cultural issues they may encounter in interpreting. Data analysis suggests that while cultural knowledge is a requisite for interpreters, the expectation for them to be cultural mediators may depend on the types of interpreting setting they work with and further guidelines are needed so that interpreters are clear on what they are required to do in dealing with cultural issues. The paper then discusses the implications of these findings and points to some directions for future research. Key references Brunette, L., G Bastin, I. Hemlin and H. Clarke (ed.). The Critical Link 3: Interpreters in the Community. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins. Hale, S. 2007. Community Interpreting. Hampshire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. The International Association of Conference Interpreting, 2015. Interpreting Explained. Available from: http://aiic.net/; accessed on 24 June 2015 Katan, David, --- 2004. Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators. St Jerome. --- 2014. Workshop: Translation at the cross-roads: time for the transcreational turn? University College London. Martín, Mayte C. & Mary Phelan, 2009. Interpreters and Cultural Mediators – different but complementary roles. In: Translocations: Migration and Social Change. ISSN Number: 2009-0420 (online) McDonough Dolmaya, Julie, (2011. Moral ambiguity: Some shortcomings of professional codes of ethics for translators. In: The Journal of Specialised Translation. Issue 15, January 2011 (online). Pöchhacker, F., 2008. Interpreting as Mediation. In: (ed.) Valero Garcés, C. and Martin, A, Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting: definitions and dilemmas, pp. 9-26. John Benjamins Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Roy, Cynthia B., 2002. The Problem with Definitions, Descriptions, and the Role Metaphors of Interpreters. In: (ed.) Pöchhacker, Franz & Miriam Shlesinger, The Interpreting Studies Reader. Routledge. Wadensjö 1998. Interpreting as Interaction. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.


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Los congresos de medicina se destacan actualmente como uno de los eventos multilingües que se celebran con más frecuencia en el panorama internacional. Recurrir a los servicios de interpretación se revela como un hecho habitual entre los organizadores de estos encuentros, especialmente en determinados ámbitos nacionales. Por consiguiente, los congresos de medicina brindan grandes posibilidades laborales a los intérpretes de conferencias, sobre todo a aquellos cuya combinación lingüística es inglés-español, dado que el inglés se define, sin lugar a dudas, como la lengua por excelencia de la comunicación médica. No obstante, a pesar de esta demanda creciente en nuestra sociedad actual, los planteamientos académicos y profesionales siguen siendo, en gran medida, teóricos e intuitivos, fruto de experiencias personales, carentes en la mayoría de los casos de un respaldo empírico. Para corroborar o descartar ciertas presuposiciones establecidas a priori por estudiosos de la interpretación especializada, como pueden ser el uso de determinadas fuentes documentales y métodos de preparación, la evaluación de determinados parámetros de calidad o el nivel de especialización del intérprete, nos servimos de unas medidas de valoración retrospectivas en intérpretes profesionales especializados en congresos de medicina para verificar nuestro objetivo fundamental: en qué medida se alejan las teorías establecidas de la práctica profesional.


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Numa sociedade onde as correntes migrações desenham um novo contexto de sociabilização e onde a globalização conduz ao aumento incomensurável das reuniões interculturais, é fulcral recentrar a importância do ensino da interpretação dita de comunidade. A inauguração do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, reformulado a partir da Licenciatura Bi-Etápica homónima, veio apresentar um desenho dos curricula em Interpretação cujo entendimento é mais pragmático. Assim sendo, à tradicional divisão entre Interpretação Simultânea e Interpretação Consecutiva sucedeu a introdução das unidades curriculares de Interpretação de Conferência, Interpretação Remota e de Teleconferência e de Interpretação de Acompanhamento. Este estudo pretende apresentar e discutir as diferentes abordagens pedagógicas ensaiadas no decorrer da implementação da unidade curricular de Interpretação de Acompanhamento, sustentadas por uma reflexão de cariz científico-pedagógico, filtrada pelas tendências de investigação mais recentes nesta área. Adoptámos a designação de Interpretação de Acompanhamento para descrever uma situação comunicativa que decorre em contextos variados e heterogéneos, em detrimento de outras designações de abrangência mais restrita, como Interpretação de Liaison – que remete para um acompanhamento em contexto de negócios ou de visita cultural ou turística – e Interpretação de Comunidade – reportando-se à mediação linguística de alguém que não fala a linguagem da maioria, normalmente no âmbito judicial, social, ou de saúde. Concentraremos, por conseguinte, a nossa atenção nas questões que se seguem: Que estratégias pedagógicas melhor se adaptam ao ensino desta disciplina? Como reproduzir a heterogeneidade dos contextos comunicativos que a Interpretação de Acompanhamento envolve numa sala de aula? Que ponderação deve assumir o desempenho linguístico em comparação com as competências de mediação intercultural? Como integrar, na prática, conceitos e teorias no domínio da Interpretação de Acompanhamento?


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Il progetto di dottorato IMITES (Interpretación de la Metáfora entre ITaliano y ESpañol) si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare l’interpretazione simultanea del linguaggio figurato nelle combinazioni italiano-spagnolo e spagnolo-italiano. Prevede l’analisi di una serie di dati estratti da discorsi pronunciati in italiano e spagnolo in occasione di conferenze tenutesi presso la Commissione europea, e le loro versioni interpretate in spagnolo e italiano rispettivamente. Le espressioni figurate contenute nei discorsi originali sono state allineate e messe a confronto con le versioni fornite dagli interpreti, con il duplice obiettivo di a) capire quali causano maggiori problemi agli interpreti e b) analizzare le strategie di interpretazione applicate da professionisti quali quelli della Direzione Generale Interpretazione (DG SCIC) della Commissione europea nell’interpretare metafore. Il progetto prevede anche la somministrazione di un questionario agli interpreti delle cabine spagnola e italiana del DG SCIC, con l’obiettivo di sondare la loro percezione delle difficoltà che sottendono all’interpretazione del linguaggio figurato, le indicazioni metodologiche ricevute (se del caso) dai loro docenti a tale riguardo e le strategie applicate nella pratica professionale. Infine, l’ultima fase del progetto di ricerca prevede la sperimentazione di una proposta didattica attraverso uno studio caso-controllo svolto su studenti del secondo anno della Laurea Magistrale in Interpretazione delle Scuole Interpreti di Forlì e Trieste. Il gruppo-caso ha ricevuto una formazione specifica sull'interpretazione delle metafore, mentre gruppo-controllo è stato monitorato nella sua evoluzione. L’obiettivo di questa ultima fase di ricerca è quello di valutare, da una parte, l’ “insegnabilità” di strategia per affrontare il linguaggio figurato in interpretazione simultanea, e, dall’altra, l’efficacia dell’unità didattica proposta, sviluppata in base all’analisi svolta su IMITES.


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This study is based on a former student’s work, aimed at examining the influence of handedness on conference interpreting. In simultaneous interpreting (IS) both cerebral hemispheres participate in the decoding of the incoming message and in the activation of the motor functions for the production of the output signal. In right-handers language functions are mainly located in the left hemisphere, while left-handers have a more symmetrical representation of language functions. Given that with the development of interpreting skills and a long work experience the interpreters’ brain becomes less lateralized for language functions, in an initial phase left-handers may be «neurobiologically better suited for interpreting tasks» (Gran and Fabbro 1988: 37). To test this hypothesis, 9 students (5 right-handers and 4 left-handers) participated in a dual test of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation (CI) from English into Italian. The subjects were asked to interpret one text with their preferred ear and the other with the non-preferred one, since according neuropsychology aural symmetry reflects cerebral symmetry. The aim of this study was to analyze:1) the differences between the number of errors in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 2) the differences in performance (in terms of number of errors) between right-handed and left-handed, both with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 3) the most frequent types of errors in right and left-handers; 4) the influence of the degree of handedness on interpreting quality. The students’ performances were analyzed in terms of errors of meaning, errors of numbers, omissions of text, omissions of numbers, inaccuracies, errors of nexus, and unfinished sentences. The results showed that: 1) in SI subjects committed fewer errors interpreting with the preferred ear, whereas in CI a slight advantage of the non-preferred ear was observed. Moreover, in CI, right-handers committed fewer mistakes with the non-preferred ear than with the preferred one. 2) The total performance of left-handers proved to be better than that of right-handers. 3) In SI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and fewer errors of number than right-handers, whereas in CI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and more errors of number than right-handers 4) As the degree of left-handedness increases, the number of errors committed also increases. Moreover, there is a statistically significant left-ear advantage for right-handers and a right-ear one for left-handers. Finally, those who interpreted with their right ear committed fewer errors of number than those who have used their left ear or both ears.


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This dissertation discusses the professional figure of interpreters working for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). The objective is to investigate specific job-related stress factors, particularly the psychological consequences interpreters may have to face, the so-called vicarious trauma. People working for the ICTR are exposed to genocide victims’ violent and shocking testimonies, a situation that could have negative psychological impacts. Online interviews with some interpreters working for the ICTR were carried out in order to arrive at a more thorough understanding of this topic. The study is divided into four chapters. Chapter I outlines the historical aspects of the simultaneous interpreting service in the legal field at the International Military Tribunal, in the trials of the Nazi leaders, and then it analyses a modern international criminal jurisdiction, the ICTR. Chapter II firstly discusses the differences between conference interpreting and court interpreting and in the second part it investigates job-related stress factors for interpreters, focusing on the legal field. Chapter III contains a detailed analysis of vicarious trauma: the main goal is to understand what psychological consequences interpreters have to cope with as a result of translating abused people’s accounts. Chapter IV examines the answers given by ICTR interpreters to the online interviews. The data collected from the interview was compared with the literature survey and the information derived from their comparison was used to put forward some suggestions for studies to be carried out in the future.


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This paper focuses on two basic issues: the anxiety-generating nature of the interpreting task and the relevance of interpreter trainees’ academic self-concept. The first has already been acknowledged, although not extensively researched, in several papers, and the second has only been mentioned briefly in interpreting literature. This study seeks to examine the relationship between the anxiety and academic self-concept constructs among interpreter trainees. An adapted version of the Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (Horwitz et al., 1986), the Academic Autoconcept Scale (Schmidt, Messoulam & Molina, 2008) and a background information questionnaire were used to collect data. Students’ t-Test analysis results indicated that female students reported experiencing significantly higher levels of anxiety than male students. No significant gender difference in self-concept levels was found. Correlation analysis results suggested, on the one hand, that younger would-be interpreters suffered from higher anxiety levels and students with higher marks tended to have lower anxiety levels; and, on the other hand, that younger students had lower self-concept levels and higher-ability students held higher self-concept levels. In addition, the results revealed that students with higher anxiety levels tended to have lower self-concept levels. Based on these findings, recommendations for interpreting pedagogy are discussed.


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In this paper a new approach is proposed for interpreting of regional frequencies in multi machine power systems. The method uses generator aggregation and system reduction based on coherent generators in each area. The reduced system structure is able to be identified and a kalman estimator is designed for the reduced system to estimate the inter-area modes using the synchronized phasor measurement data. The proposed method is tested on a six machine, three area test system and the obtained results show the estimation of inter-area oscillations in the system with a high accuracy.


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Semantic Web offers many possibilities for future Web technologies. Therefore, it is a need to search for ways that can bring the huge amount of unstructured documents from current Web to Semantic Web automatically. One big challenge in searching for such ways is how to understand patterns by both humans and machine. To address this issue, we present an innovative model which interprets patterns to high level concepts. These concepts can explain the patterns' meanings in a human understandable way while improving the information filtering performance. The model is evaluated by comparing it against one state-of-the-art benchmark model using standard Reuters dataset. The results show that the proposed model is successful. The significance of this model is three fold. It gives a way to interpret text mining output, provides a technique to find concepts relevant to the whole set of patterns which is an essential feature to understand the topic, and to some extent overcomes information mismatch and overload problems of existing models. This model will be very useful for knowledge based applications.


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The California Department of Fish and Game data base of California commercial fish landings for the period 1928 to 1985 has been assembled in computer accessible form at the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group in Monterey, California. Time series for fishes whose landings are known to vary during periods of ocean warming were compared to time series of sea surface temperature. Expected patterns of variation were confirmed in the seasonal cycle, but were less clear on the interannual scale. When interannual variation was considered, the most serious hindrance to interpretation of the landings series appeared to be the continued reduction of the fish stocks due to commercial exploitation; other factors are discussed. Landings data contain information potentially useful in climatological studies, but problems should be anticipated in their use.


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This paper reviews the evolution of Fanger's heat balance equation in regard of adaptive opportunities. Heat balance and adaptive response are integrated into one model as two fundamental aspects of human-environment interaction that define thermal comfort perception, rather than being seen as two concepts of alternative comfort paradigms. The paper suggests to extent Fanger's model with a heat storage term in order to account for comfort perception under transient thermal conditions, and to review Fanger's modelling assumptions in order to allow for a greater variety of adaptive response options. In the presented model heat exchange is modulated through adaptation of physiological, environmental and behavioural parameters in the human-environment system defined through Fanger's heat exchange equations. A computational prototype is implemented to determine 'comfortable' values and ranges of the six comfort dimensions alternatively to Fanger's comfort indices. Thereby values of for example 'comfortable' clothing and metabolic rate are results rather than necessary input parameters, which are difficult to determine. This approach allows generating design advice for physical, organisational and social environments based on heat balance calculation in the six-dimensional opportunity space defined through Fanger's comfort equation. A starting point for the development of a dynamic adaptive comfort model is set.